Thursday, May 13, 2010

Doctor Appointment

I had a doctor appointment today that was rather uneventful, other than the fact that I got to schedule my next ultrasound for June 17th!! Five weeks from today, we'll know if we're having a boy or a girl! We tried the needle and thread trick last night, but alas, the needle swung both in circles and back and forth. My friend Emily said that if I was craving more fruit than dairy, it would be a girl... but I've been eating/drinking fruit and dairy in equal proportions, and mainly for nutrition rather than cravings.

To be honest, I'm less interested in knowing the sex of the baby than just being able to see the baby on the ultrasound. We're going to a really high-tech place where the ultrasound pictures are supposed to be really clear. Apparently the baby is about the length of an apple right now, which seems huge to me! It's hard to believe my belly isn't poking out more than it is, knowing there is a person in there with arms and legs and fingerprints! Fingerprints!! I just can't wait to see him or her for myself!

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