She had a 1-month checkup today and was weighed. On our way to the doctor's office, Jeremy and I tried to guess how much she weighs - I guessed high 7 lbs and Jeremy guessed low 8 lbs. We were both surprised to find out that she weighs 9 lbs 4 oz!! She's in the 50th percentile for weight, and 50th to 75th percentile for height (she is now 21.25 inches). I can't imagine that she'll be "tall" for long, considering that we are both shorties, but I guess she could have gotten some of the tall genes from my family.
There are some decidedly unexciting aspects of being one month old, like baby acne, dry, flaky skin on the forehead and head (I can't remember the medical term), congestion, and increased fussiness. So far, Natalie has experienced the first three. They say babies are at their fussiest (if that's a word) from four to six weeks, so we have some fun to look forward to with that. Right now she's only occasionally fussy for what seems like no reason, and it doesn't last long. Obviously we're hoping this will keep up rather than the introduction of a grumpy baby!
We had our first family outing over the weekend - we all went to Target to buy ornaments for our first Christmas tree:
We thought Natalie deserved a tree for her first Christmas!
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