Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' Over

Natalie has been doing a great job holding her head up lately. She's been rather enthusiastic during tummy time, raising her head about 90 degrees and holding it there for extended periods of time. Today during an especially fun tummy time, I quickly left the room to get my camera so I could video her. When I got back into the room, she was in the process of rolling over from her belly to her back! It may have been a freak accident; I don't know... but it sure was exciting!!

Unfortunately I didn't get the big event on video, but here are a couple I took of her doing tummy time (it looks like she's trying to crawl already):

I love the look of pure determination towards the middle of this one:

1 comment:

Nonna said...

She's trying sooooooo hard!! How exciting! Can't wait to see the roll over video!!!