She's still sleeping great at night; now she goes to bed at 6pm (if not a few minutes earlier) and sleeps until I wake her up at 7am. It's pretty amazing. We know there will be times when she stops sleeping so well (like the teething days), so we're definitely enjoying this while it lasts.
She's gone back and forth between sucking on her thumb on her left hand to sucking on her fingers on her right hand. Now she's back to sucking on her left thumb. We can tell when she's sleepy because she'll turn her head to the left and stick that little thumb in her mouth.
We're guessing her next milestone will be sitting up - though she doesn't seem close to doing that yet. She still loves tummy time and loves to roll over. Usually if we put her down on her back, she'll roll over to her tummy to play.
She has added a new sound to her repertoire - a happy screech! It's pretty funny. Sometimes when she gets excited she'll let out a big screech of joy. Last weekend we started taking walks carrying her in her Baby Bjorn, and she loves it! She'll coo and screech as we walk the roads of our little 'hood.

Here's a recent picture of her in an adorable outfit from her Aunt D, bib from our friend Erika (made by Erika herself!), and cow toy from Brooke & Sean, courtesy of the Peach Bowl:

She'll be sitting up soon. I remember five months to be an epecially fun time beause J and J sat up and played so well by themselves. It happens when least expected! You surely are lucky with her sleeping habits! Enjoy every moment!
Glad she is getting some use out of the cow! Everett loves his moose!! We look forward to seeing you for Jeremy's birthday.
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