Natalie is FIVE months old! She gets cuter every day, and each day it's impossible to think she could be any cuter than she already is :-). She had her weight check at the doctor's office on Tuesday. She's gained 20 ounces in the last month - so she's now 12 lbs 13 oz! Giving her an extra 3 ounces of milk a day really helped her pack on the pounds. She seems to want 6 ounce bottles at every meal now (she was getting two 5 oz bottles and three 6 oz bottles), so she'll definitely continue to gain weight with that kind of appetite!
She is really thriving at daycare, and this week her teacher Renita left me a voicemail AND called Jeremy to tell us both what a wonderful day Natalie was having. She said Natalie was on the older infant side of the room (where the crawlers and walkers are), sitting in a Bumbo chair in Spanish class and trying to clap her hands! She also said she'd been trying to hold her bottle, so they wanted us to bring some of the handles for the Born Free bottles so she could grab onto them. It was such a sweet call from her teacher, who sounded so proud of our daughter that my heart could have just burst. We also enjoy reading the comments her teachers write in her daily journal, like the ones below (she's already a star student as you can see):

Yesterday Jeremy and Natalie spent the day together, and we met for lunch with some of our former coworkers and Jeremy's good friends. Natalie was the perfect baby, sitting happily (and quietly) in my lap while we waited for our food. When they put my plate down and she stuck her hand in it, we decided to put her in her car seat while we ate ;-). She quietly hung out and played with Cookie Monster until we left. It was our first outing to a restaurant with her and we were really pleased at how well she did!
Last night I had my first solo outing since Natalie's arrival. I came home from work a little bit early and spent some time with her before she went to bed, then I met some girls for dinner in Midtown. It was so nice to get out for some time among adults!
Here are some pictures taken post-bath time last night:

How do you like those pink bunny slippers? Ha! So cute.