We've had a beautiful Saturday here in Atlanta! We spent some time in the yard this morning, then came in to try feeding Natalie some rice cereal. We've done this before - the first two attempts were quite unsuccessful and she showed improvement the third time, meaning that she might have possibly swallowed a teeny, tiny bit of the cereal. This time was no different, but even though she's not exactly "eating" the cereal, we're still having a fun time trying to feed it to her :-). Here's a video I took at today's feeding:
We also enjoyed the day by taking a walk around our neighborhood, and we made a stop at Knight Park which is just down the street from our house. Natalie was strapped to Jeremy in the Baby Bjorn, which she just absolutely loves, and they sat on a swing at the playground. Our baby girl sure did look happy!
Daddy looks pretty happy, too!!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face. :-)
Daddy looks pretty happy, too!!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face. :-)
I think she likes it!!! Cute Cute Cute! Aunt Marge
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