Despite her lack of teeth (she has not a single one yet!), Natalie's doctor advised us to start feeding her table foods, so today she ate some pulled pork and beef brisket (sans sauce) and she loved it! She also ate some green peas, which of course she's previously eaten in pureed form, but this time she just picked up peas and ate them. She also loves "puffs" - the cheerio-type snacks that melt in the mouth. We tried giving her lasagna cut up into tiny little bits, but that just ended up smeared all over her face, arms, legs, etc. It was a mess! But with a name like Lizza, she'll be loving lasagna in no time ;-).
We've had *huge* improvements at daycare! She's once again one of the happiest babies in her class and she doesn't cry anymore when we drop her off. Legacy opened a third baby class last week, so Natalie moved to a different classroom. Instead of being in a class with babies aged 6 weeks to 12 months, she's now in a class for 8-12 month babies. We were worried that the transition to a new room would set her back, but she managed the change fabulously. Luckily some of the babies that were in her last class moved to the new class with her, so I think that helped. One of her teachers is Hispanic, and I told her in my best Spanish that if she wanted to speak Spanish with Natalie all the time, that was just fine with me. She replied with a simple "perfecto", which made me really happy! I'd love for Natalie to get exposure to the Spanish language from a native speaker, instead of just hearing my broken Spanish in my American accent.
Nat has been super talkative for the last few days, constantly babbling combinations of "ba ba ba ba", "da da da da", and "ma ma ma ma". Jeremy swears that tonight she said "ma ma" with purpose, since she was looking at me when she said it. I have my doubts, but you never know!
She's started doing something quite funny but also disruptive to her naps - she tries to sleep sitting up! We saw it for the first time last weekend. I laid her in her crib for a nap and then checked in on her via the video monitor about 10 minutes later. She was sitting up in her crib, sucking her thumb and trying to hold her head up while it bobbled around under the weight of her exhaustion. It was so funny at first and then we realized that she wasn't going to give in, so we had to intervene by going in to lay her down. Her teacher told me that she did this at daycare this week and then I caught her doing it again in her crib at home today. Hopefully she'll figure out that she can't sleep sitting up and she'll go back to sleeping horizontally!
Here's a family picture we took this week:

1 comment:
WOW!!! What a beautiful family! I can't believe it's been nine months!
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