Thursday, August 5, 2010

26 > 27 Weeks

Here I am at 26, going on 27 weeks (this was taken today):

That belly's getting pretty big, eh?

I had my glucose screening test today. I had to drink about 12 ounces of a really sweet fruit punch flavored drink within 5 minutes (which actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be), and then had my blood drawn 1 hour later. I'll get the results tomorrow, hopefully.

The doc measured my uterus (with a tape measure!) and said it's about a half centimeter smaller than normal, but that she would expect me to have a small baby since Jeremy and I are both small. They'll keep an eye on it during my next appointments to be sure the baby is still growing as she should be. It sure doesn't feel or look to me like she's too small!!

My next appointment is in 3 weeks and I'll start rotating among the other doctors in the practice so we can get to know each other, since there is a high likelihood that one of them will deliver our baby. After that I'll start going in every 2 weeks, and then for the last 4 - 6 weeks I will go in every week. We're getting closer!

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