Friday, May 28, 2010


This week (week 17!), the baby is supposedly about the size of a turnip. A turnip?! Jeremy and I were taken aback; we both thought turnips were really small, like the size of a beet. Apparently they are about 5 inches long, as is our baby now. It's completely unbelievable to me that there is a baby that size in my stomach. It seems like I'd be fitting into maternity pants by now, but I'm not. My smallest pair of maternity jeans are size 2, and they are still enormous on me. I've been wearing a "belly band" that Devon gave me, and it's been a wardrobe saver!! I can wear my regular jeans unbuttoned, and this band holds them up. I highly recommend it for any woman. Planning to have a big dinner and need some extra space in your waistband? Wear a belly band! Seriously, this was a great invention!!

Here's what BabyCenter has to say about the fetus at 17 weeks:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

I read on another site that the baby is finally getting some fat on it, which makes them a heck of a lot cuter! Till now he/she has been skin and bones.

Here's the BabyCenter picture of the baby at this stage (hopefully ours is cuter, huh?):


Dad said...

Can I get one of those belly bands? Sounds pretty good to me!


nona said...