We can tell a difference in her size and she is getting some chubby cheeks on her! She's also fitting into clothes that didn't fit last week, so I put her in my favorite little outfit in the picture above. She has long hands and feet, and her feet are already almost too big for the "footies" in this outfit. We don't have a scale at home so we don't know how much she weighs, but we think she must be over 7 lbs now.
She's sleeping well some nights and not so well other nights. We had a good night last night, where she slept for 2 - 3 hours at a time. I wish that would happen every night! She's also gotten fussier than she was when she first came home, which is to be expected. We've read that she'll continue to be fussy until she's about six weeks old, when she should settle down a bit. The good news is that even when she fusses, it's usually not for more than five minutes at a time so it's tolerable.
Her next doctor's appointment is on December 6th, when she is one month old. I think she may have to get a vaccination which should be pretty painful for both Natalie and Mommy!
Try again.... Does she stretch out like that all the time? Her looks are constantly changing! WOW!!
She just started stretching out in the last couple of days. Makes it hard to swaddle her at night, but it sure is cute! :-)
She is soooo beautiful! I hate to say this, but she defiinitely favors mommy! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family! Wish I could join you in Tuscaloosa!
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