Jeremy was home with me all last week and will be here through this Thursday, which has been a new mama's life saver. He's a natural in his new role as "daddy", which amazes me every day since who knows how long it's been since he's handled a baby, much less a newborn. He holds her in his lap and she stares up at him and studies his face so sweetly.
Natalie has been sleeping in a cradle beside our bed, but we're planning on moving her to her nursery soon (maybe this week!). She makes tiny little squeaks and grunts throughout the night that make it hard for us to sleep (and believe me, sleep is hard enough to come by as it is), and her pediatrician recommended that we go ahead and move her to her nursery.
Here's a picture of Natalie on the day she was born:

And here's a picture of Natalie at 1 week old:
I hate to say this, but she definitely favors momma!!!I don't know how I'm going to wait a few weeks to see her again. She is beautiful. You two surely did a great job!!!
Allison - congrats on a healthy pregnancy and delivery! You looked fantastic throughout and I'm sure you still look wonderful as a new mom ;)
Natalie Elise is beautiful and I can't wait to hear more about her. Hopefully Billy, Lauren and I will get to meet the newly enlarged Lizza clan sometime in the relatively near future!
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