Six months ago today, you came into this world in what turned out to be a surprisingly laid-back childbirth. Maybe the tranquility in the room where you took your first breath influenced your relaxed attitude. Or maybe it's just your fine, fabulous genes that created your calm disposition. Either way, you are truly a sweet and easygoing baby girl, and that has made our job as your parents a very, very enjoyable one.
You are beginning to sit up on your own, and though you still require quite a bit of assistance, we can tell that you are close to sitting independently. You're able to balance when you move front to back, but it's when you teeter off to the side that you end up falling over. It frustrates you a little bit because you want to sit up and play with your toys, so we pick you back up and help you keep your balance.
You tried rice cereal a couple of weeks ago. We had planned on making it from scratch, but since your daycare uses Earth's Best rice cereal, we decided it would be a good idea to use that at home, too. You don't seem to care for it much. You usually "blow raspberries" and spray us with the cereal! But you open your mouth when the spoon gets near and you eat a little bit of the cereal. Today your Dad made a green pea puree for you and we fed you some of that. You weren't all too excited about it, but you didn't spray us with it either. We'll try again tomorrow! We're so excited about making veggies and fruits for you to eat and experiment with, and we hope that eventually you'll enjoy them as much as we enjoy feeding them to you.
We took you to the doctor today for your six-month checkup. You weigh 14 lbs 8 oz, which puts you in the 25th percentile for weight. This is great because you had fallen to the 5th - 10th percentile at your last visits, so it's wonderful to see that you're gaining weight and growing as a healthy baby should be. You also had to get some vaccinations today and you cried just a little bit, but overall you did a fantastic job.
Your daycare teachers still gush about you every day. They love you and treat you as if you were their own child, and that makes your Mom and Dad very happy! We have our first parent/teacher conference next week, and as I was adding your name to the signup sheet, your teacher Natalyn told me, "You already know everything Natalie does is perfection." That's love, my dear!
My first Mother's Day is two days away and I'm so proud to be your mama. You were fearfully and wonderfully made, and I love you very much!
Tu Mama
Here's a picture from your doctor appointment today:

Here's a picture of you with your teachers Reenita and Natalyn:

This is your first time eating green peas:
And this is you and your mama at Easter:
1 comment:
Allison, your words are so beautiful. I sit here with tears in my eyes. I hope that Natalie will be able to read them when she gets a little older. She is growing so fast, and you and Jeremy look as happy as she does when you are with her. You have no dea how blessed that makes me feel! Happy Mother's Day!
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