Tuesday, June 29, 2010

21 Weeks!

This little baby of ours is growing rapidly, as is my belly! Check me out:

The crazy thing is, I still have a long way to go... approximately FOUR more months! I'm still feeling great, but I have to say that nine months is beginning to feel like an awfully long time to be pregnant! Hopefully I will continue to feel good and will enjoy the rest of my pregnancy as much as I've enjoyed it so far.

From BabyCenter:

How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now.
And, by the way, I'm already positive that she is practicing martial arts in there, or maybe gymnastics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look fabulous! Can't wait to see that 38 or 39 week photo!

- Erika